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Earl. how are things out west ? Haven't seen you around in a while ! Some years ago I, got an AI 9520 from you.

I have a client w bell Expressvu. Needs to hit 82 and 91 satellites. I saw a post form you back in 07 that said you did it w a dish 500.

1. Can I assume a DP34 with a DPtwin will work to do more than 2 recievers? Or is there a better option?

How would I find pointing parameters on this setup, since its not going to be in the Dish setup menu, not on my Superbuddy I dont think.


Frank Nagy
Hi John,

It was a very interesting experience. Not what was set out to be accomplished, but after 11 years, not bad overall. In reality it is probably one of the best class action settlements ever for a retailer group. There is a significant dollar amount being distributed to a small group of class members.

I can't get into any specifics because I was required to comply with a confidentiality order from the court, but I can say it was an exceptional experience.

I appreciate your words.


The specs are good. It looks lie it'll work. I'm almost sure on heating. AC should be O.K., too.

Hope this helps,

Mike here are the specs & particulars on the welder/generator I, was asking about :

I,can't buy one and take it home for a tryout .

<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5><TBODY><TR><TH rowSpan=2 colSpan=2></TH><TD colSpan=2></TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2></TD></TR><TR><TH colSpan=2></TH><TD colSpan=2>80</TD></TR><TR><TH colSpan=2></TH><TD colSpan=2>50 – 225 A – AC
50 – 210 A – DC

</TD></TR><TR><TH colSpan=2>Single-Phase Generator Power</TH><TD colSpan=2>11,000 W (10 kVa/kW), 60 Hz, 120/240 VAC;
9500 watts continuous while welding

</TD></TR><TR><TH colSpan=2>Dimensions</TH><TD colSpan=2>H: 31-1/8 in (791 mm)
W: 20 in (508 mm)
D: 45-3/4 in (1162 mm)

</TD></TR><TR class=lastrow><TH colSpan=2>Net Weight</TH><TD colSpan=2>Kohler: 530 lb (240 kg) </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5><TBODY><TR><TH></TH><TD></TD></TR><TR><TH></TH><TD>

I am on Galveston for a few days. If you feel like coming down, let me know.


I am Andy! (Just barely) What are you doing these days? I really need to find something else. Thought about going back into Law Enforcement, but don't really want to. Hit me back @ and I'll answer a little more timely!
Andy, i've finally quit DISH & Dow "canned me" before I could install myself. I've got a 722 that i used to use from my showroom account & I need to get my own residential account (guess I can't just activate it through another dealer). Are you be interested in "setting me up" as a new customer? I really only need one Dual HD DVR tuner. I'm currently using a DISH 500 Antenna and a 61.5 Dish 300 Antenna for my HD. I've actually got a DISH 1000.2 DISH and LNBF that I never installed. If you want to work something out, you could just ship me the receiver and I would do all the "install work" myself. If you are interested, call me at (478) 361-9678 and we can talk. I work for the AF at Robins AFB in a secure area, so I won't have my cell during the day Wednesday. I'll check my messages at lunch and if you want to email me you can at If you are not interested, I'm going to post to the Retailer thread to see if anyone elses wants a new customer.
I was up in your neck of the woods a couple months ago and thought about giving you a call. Are you still in satellite? Andy
That was a great post. You can add me to that handshake. Thanks, David
Try CVS for the W bracket for SD i had them get me a bunch a while back and they still some them on their web site
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Claude, would you check into who this is, and there is another one doing the same nonsense. The first one is :cdef456's, the second one is Jlmk something I, think.
Anyway , they both post simple nonsense jibberish .

he guy below has posted weird spam messages throughout the forum.
I was going to ban him and remove the messages that he has posted.... But thought maybe there is something that you would like to see in the posts/registration.

Junior Member

Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 8

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